Modules: BETA SocialNet 2010 IT READY FOR TESTS

Posted by: ipwgcOn 2010/3/12 11:30:00 7952 reads
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NOTE: FRIDAY March 12, 2010
I recommend for you to register in the socialnet portal to test this module. Why? it because the module have different section that appear only for registers members here now!

1. This is a BETA release, it is not recommended in a real production.
See SocialNet Module working in Xoops 2.4.4 version in English and Spanish go here

SocialNet 2010 is a module that provides a Social Network, It is based on 16 modules at this moment, and others modules sections, they had to be translated to English, and joined to one modulate.
Example: it not possible to upgrade the original yogurt module, because the code is totally different,
in other word, in SocialNet don't exist any word relate to the code and word yogurt, and the same thing happens with the other invited modules to the SocialNet 2010 project.

2. Please reports all bugs that you find. click here

3. To download the socialnet module and the language files go here

4. These are the files languages that are available

5. The following folders and files don't require translation,
they are ready. Thursday March 11, 2010


You have two options to translate the SocialNet Module
A) Translation or manual correction, working together with the Excel program.
B) Translation or manual correction, working together with the incorporate translation tool in the socialnet modulate.
See the tutorial go here

3. The following folders were translated by a translation program, but they need to be corrected.

Once you have accomplished the corrections,
please send me the files or post in the forum support
in order to update the language folders in different languages.
Forum support go here

David Yanez Osses
Portal administrator