Themes: The 68 themes for XOOPS by IXThemes 2.5 relesed

Posted by: algalochkinOn 2010/3/10 15:40:00 7202 reads
Hello! The IXThemes Project is ready to please all XOOPS users with release 2.5 simultaneously 68 themes for XOOPS which are created by 6 Theme Frameworks (ixt001, ixt002, ixt010, ixt011, ixt012, ixt19). Each of 68 themes is uploaded for you on a demo sites of IXThemes Project. You can see as these themes on XOOPS 2.3.3b - XOOPS 2.5.0a2 look.

What new in release 2.5?

  • Possibility of concatenation of left and right columns is added.
  • Possibility of switching-off for extended header is added.
  • Possibility of switching-off for RSS link in header is added.
  • Possibility of switching-off for preheader is added.
  • Possibility of switching-off for footer is added.
  • Possibility of switching-off for control zones is added.
  • Possibility of switching-off for slides zone is added.
  • Possibility of columns layout settings is added ( LRC, LCR, CLR).
  • Cursor:pointer for buttons is added.
  • The maximum height of a footer background is increased up to 600px.
  • jQuery 1.4.2 ready and included.
All options for IXThemes themes of release 2.5 are in a file '/"themename"/tpl/assigns.html' which can look for example so: <{assign var=ixt_preheader value="no"}> <{assign var=ixt_extheader value="no"}> <{assign var=ixt_headerrss value="yes"}> <{assign var=ixt_slides value="yes"}> <{assign var=ixt_layout value="clr"}> <{assign var=ixt_ctrl0 value="no"}> <{assign var=ixt_ctrl1 value="yes"}> <{assign var=ixt_ctrl2 value="yes"}> <{assign var=ixt_extfooter value="yes"}> <{assign var=ixt_footerrss value="yes"}> <{assign var=ixt_uitheme value="base"}> <{assign var=ixt_multiskin value="no"}> <{assign var=ixt_fixskin value=""}> <{assign var=ixt_blconcat value="rl"}> <{assign var=content_top_order value=clr}> <{assign var=content_bottom_order value=clr}> <{assign var=hide_content value=0}> <{assign var=ixt_rtl value=""}> Best regards, IXThemes Project