Developer News: Pack "Web Tools" 0.1 - standalone applications to start

Posted by: kris_frOn 2010/3/6 16:40:00 5229 reads
The Package "Web 0.1 Tools" is the first compilation by the Laboratories, portable web tools for developing a website!
This package includes text editors (Notepad + +, Kompozer), a CSS editor (Oikia Editor), a web browser (Opera), tools for images (Gimp MWSnap), an ftp (Filezilla), a client svn (Subcommander), a tool for archives (7zip), a file synchronizer (Toucan), a comparator file (WinMerge) and a task manager (ToDo List).

List of portable applications package "Web Tools":
- 7zip 4.65
- Filezilla 3.3.2
- Kompozer 0.8b3
- Opera 10.50
- PicPick 2.2.2
- Winmerge 2.12.4
- Gimp 2.6.8
- Notepad++ 5.6.8
- OikoCSSeditor 1.00 RC3
- SubCommander 2.0.0 Beta 4
- ToDoList 6.0.8
- Toucan 2.2.1

You can download the package "Web Tools" on under "Tools - Portable Apps" or directly from HERE.

Credits: A special thanks to the PortableApps for work his team performs.

Only for Windows users