YAXS: Radio-Hobby.org - website for radio

Posted by: andrey3761On 2009/12/23 19:30:00 10878 reads
Our website for radio amateurs (hams) has moved to our own dedicated server and we also changed the website theme. Thanks to all the xoopsers for your support!

Resized Image

Our statistics is over 2,000 unique visitors a day and over 1,500 users registered.

Standard modules installed:

News – static content;
CBB – forums;
Mycomments – comments block;
iSearch – search statistics;
Mpmanager – PM administration;
Catads – classifieds;
Tdmdownloads – file archive;
Mylinks – link directory;
Xoopspoll – polls;
Profile – user profiles;
Tag – website tags;
Pm – private messages;
Contact – feedback;

Our own developed modules:

Antileech – pics anti-leeching;
Errorpages – web server error message pages;
Cron – script scheduled execution;
Analog – chips analogues, interchangeable chips database;
Datasheets – chips documentation;
Torrent – BitTorrent server for file-sharing network;

We also have eAccelerator installed on the server to reduce the server load when generating Xoops web pages. Planning to organize memcached caching support.