Themes: "Web Browser" Package - Version 0.6.4 is released

Posted by: kris_frOn 2009/12/21 1:00:00 5971 reads
Never equaled for Windows users, this package contains web browsers in Usb portable version.
Practice to test its website from different web browsers or just testing them.

It contains :

- Firefox 3.5.6 (updated)
- Firefox 3.6 beta 5 (updated)
- IETester 0.4.2
- Netscape
- Opera 10.10
- Opera 10.20 Test (added)
- Safari 4.04 (updated)
- Google Chrome
- Google Chrome beta
- Maxthon 2.5.11 (updated)
- Maxthon Alpha
- Arora 0.10
- SeaMonkey 2.0

You use this package softwares at your own risk. Responsibility for AfuX (Xoops French Users Association) and can not be engaged if a problem occurs in your configurations.
You can download it at this link (Warning! archive executable 190MB), or web browsers individually here

Nota: IETester can test your web sites under the various versions of Internet Explorer (IE 5.5, IE 6, IE 7 and IE 8)