YAXS: Online Shop with XOOPS-2.3.3

Posted by: webmystarOn 2009/11/12 16:30:00 7808 reads
Hi Xoops Friends,

webmystar is proud to announce that our online shop goes online with XOOPS-2.3.3.

Resized Image

We have build the XOOPS Site with following Hacks and Modules:

- XOOPS 2.3.3
- XoRewrite for clean url structur
- Defacer (tanks @trabis) for optimized meta tags
- Simplywiki (patched) for our amzone shop
- Protector
- Altsys
- Pico
- Sitemap
- Logcounterx

If you have questions feel you free and ask me.
Take a look in our Section English Books.

Have a nice Day.