Modules: TDMDownloads 1.1

Posted by: MageOn 2009/11/10 22:30:00 5503 reads
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[size=xx-large]TDMDownloads 1.1[/size]

Hello everybody,

I am pleased to announce the release of TDMDownloads 1.1.

This version fixes several bugs and brings some new features:

- The module supports the tagging system module 'TAG'.
- 2 options added in the preferences, the first to rename or not the uploaded file and the second to enter the prefix when the file is renamed.
- Added option "number of downloads per page in the administration."
- Fix a bug with the default editor of xoops (html display when editing).
- Fix a bug when deleting a category.
- Change management platforms (multi-menu selection) with the values defined in the preferences of the module.
- Added ability to rename the post and put the date of submission to date or not.
- Bug in the details of the votes in the admin, all votes were visible in all downloads.
- Fixed a bug in the admin for the download management when making a selection in the "waiting for validation", the filter brought on normal downloads.
- Added system information the last version
- Fixed French language files in uft-8
- Fixed script import Mydownloasd 1.6
- Fixed script import WF-Downloads 3.2 RC2

See lang_diff.txt file to define the new language.

To start the tags you find the plugin in the folder 'extra' (with another plugin ).

As with any installation, I suggest you make a backup of your site.


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