Themes: Inspire 1.0 Final Released

Posted by: insraqOn 2009/11/5 14:50:00 6367 reads
It’s been quite a white since Inspire 1.0 Beta released. You may wonder why even a theme has a “beta” version.
Well, Inspire 1.0 was intended to be applied on XOOPS China only – there was no release schedule. However, as many people were interested in it and wanted to get an copy. I released the source file after getting the approve from XOOPS China administrators.
As you may understand, the first release was really in a hurry. The theme was not fully tested and many code related to XOOPS China hadn’t been removed. So many people find it difficult to apply Inspire 1.0 on their own websites.
I have acquired a lot of feedbacks from XOOPS China and according to these, I make some amendments.

The enhancement of Final compared to Beta (Changelog):

1. Fixed some messy code problems caused by encoding
2. The blue showcase area now displays center block by default
3. Fixed some CSS errors
4. Fixed a little problem of Green sidebar
5. Removed some XOOPS China-specific code
6. Applied new font stack for English users. Chinese users please add “Microsoft Yahei” on your own.

The theme is licensed under CC-3.0, please do not remove the credit in the footer.
Meanwhile, Inspire 2.0 is now in coding process. It will be released soon so please follow our blog or twitter.

Preview of Inspire 2.0:

Resized Image

Read the release announcement

Go to the download page