YAXS: Church website - www.santoantoniodapampulha.org.br

Posted by: os_ferasOn 2009/10/25 18:10:00 6635 reads
Hi community

I'm proud to present you a new XOOPS website from Brazil.


Resized Image

Web site running on XOOPS 2.3.3.

The modules are: mastop publish, mastop go2, news, liaise, biblie,videotube, xoopspoll, casdedi, wfchannel, sitemap, smartpartner, blocksadmin, Protector, multiMenu, tools, xoopscare, tag (cumulus.

The theme was inspired in xoops_thm_sd-011-orange with effect page peel.

I hope you like it. And let's spread Xoops all around.

We would also like to receive suggestions and criticisms, if any.

Excuse my english.

Os Feras
MSN/email: osferas [at] gmail.com