YAXS: Xoops and Airnav Radarbox

Posted by: kavokOn 2009/7/28 9:30:00 6234 reads
WARNING: Airnav Live.Com operate without interruption and Radarbox Runs only during my hours of rest. In addition, the hardware is connected on stand bye. Thank you for your understanding.

Finally, the most powerful real-time monitoring of airliners, has been installed on the site JavaradioFrance, which uses the XOOPS CMS.

Airnav Live.Com is the first Flight Tracker, which includes using European airspace as well as Google Earth. Currently, it monitors the 24,160 flights in real time.

Bonus little more RADARBOX LIVE TRACK ". JavaradioFrance allows you to track planes on radar with a period of 5 to 10 minutes (For reasons of regulations applied by some countries in aviation safety). However, leaving the window site where you will see the radar activity, not to touch anything, the browser auto-update itself every 60 seconds.

How does it works?
Just with the hardware you have taken care to see the video of this article. More connection and a transfer via FTP directly into the database on our site that is hosted by Infomaniak.

At the request of prospective members, you can ask for a period determined to set a specific point on the mape world, to follow a flight.