Modules: MYQUIZ 4.0

Posted by: _metemet_On 2009/4/19 20:50:00 13025 reads
MyQuiz is a simple module to examine or test (a student or class) informally by questions.
This project is meant to be a modern module solution for quizzes that is easy to install/configure.

After v.3 (almost one year), now I publish v.4.

With v.4, MyQuiz is now more effective, useful and visual. Especially, sliding questions (based on jquery) is the most effective feature.

See a demo :


Resized Image

* Added sliding questions *
- Added unlimited subcategory
- Added top 5 section
- Added new admin menu
- Added new category and quiz list page
- Added jquery support
- Added more effective pages

- Modified language files
- Sending results to admin mail now works
- Edited some other bugs

1. Decompress and put this folder somewhere inside your document root
2. Upload the myquiz directory to XOOPS_ROOT_URL/modules/
3. Make sure that the following directories are writable by the webserver (chmod 0777)
- /import
- /images
- /export
- /exportem
4. Log in to your site as administrator.
5. Install the module using the XOOPS module administration panel at 'System Admin -> Modules'.
6. Done!

Details about the config parameters can be found in the settings module.

If you already have a previous version of MyQuiz Module installed,
before unistall , make your exported files and backup them. So, after uninstalling the module
you can import your exported files.
Next release could have an upgrade feature, but for now you must use import/export feature
to upgrade.

This product is distributed under the GPL. Please read through the file
LICENSE for more information about our license.

metemet /
Based on myquiz .