YAXS: German Travel Catalog works now with XOOPS-2.2.3

Posted by: mildebrieseOn 2009/4/8 14:50:00 5553 reads
Here is the German free travel catalog (Reiseverzeichnis) with the 10 top travel regions in the world. We have rebuild our site and now works mildebriese.de fine under XOOPS-2.2.3.

Resized Image

We have used the follow XOOPS Modules:

- weblinks 1.9.2
- myalbum 2.88
- d3forum 0.8.5
- pico 1.7.9
- sitemap 1.3.1
- contact 1.6
- smartfaq 1.0.8
- Xigg 1.2.1

- Url (simplified_url)

Reise News

Regards and have fun with XOOPS-2.2.3.