Themes: XOOPS Theme Gallery is going Live

Posted by: MambaOn 2009/4/8 14:20:00 5473 reads
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Thanks to a great teamwork between Burning and Aph3x, we are now releasing our new XOOPS Theme Gallery:

which is based on the excellent ExtGallery by Zoullou!

The new XOOPS Theme Gallery will replace our current Theme Library, which will close very soon.

We very much appreciate all the help and dedication from Burning and Aph3x!!!

You guys ROCK

To make life easier for XOOPS users, we'll follow the Wordpress model for submissions, i.e. all themes submitted to the XOOPS Theme Gallery have to be GPL compatible. This will ensure that individual copyrights are protected and credits are given where they are due, but our users won't have to think if they can or cannot use/modify freely a particular theme on their Website. This is the same as with XOOPS Modules: all modules are released under GPL, therefore you can modify each module without checking what license it has, and if the particular license allows for modifications or not.

Side note: we like very much the increased teamwork between XOOPS developers. Burning and Aph3x, Voltan and Mojtabajml, Trabis and Mowaffak, Herve and Marco, Rune and Anders, just to name few, are the best examples of effective and creative teamwork. It is important that we work more as teams, and collaborate on projects, tasks, modules or themes, and we are very happy to see that it is happening more and more lately! So if you see something interesting that you would like to contribute to, please contact each other and work together on it. That's what Agile Development is all about!