YAXS: Stravel.de works with XOOPS-2.3.3

Posted by: maketravelOn 2009/3/24 16:40:00 5857 reads
Hi Xoopser,

I'm happy announce you that my German XOOPS Travel Blog Site goes online with XOOPS-2.3.3.

Resized Image

To Build this Travel Blog I have use the follow XOOPS Modules:

- Happy Linux 1.4
- wordpress 2.11
- altsys 0.7.1a
- protector 3.2
- pico 1.80
- logcounterx 2.72
- rssc 0.9


- XoRewrite Modul

Xoops Version: 2.3.3


Have a nice day and a good time with XOOPS.