YAXS: FreeWebTools.ir Launched!

Posted by: behdadOn 2009/2/16 20:00:00 5650 reads
Hi, All Xoopers! I Recently launched my new website, because i'm persian & theres is no other persian website that serve free web tools in persian, i decided to design it & because xoops is a good platform to build a new custom website, i did it with xoops!
i made some modules & designed the theme for that!
some simple modules that i made:
- Pagerank Checker
- Color Palette (for hexacolors like #ffffff for the white color)
- Metatag Generator
- Random Password Generator
- Gmail Signature Generator
- Whois? (for Domains)
- Youtube Downloader
& 3 more simple modules that only have text

none of them uses mysql & they only use php! so you see there are simple modules!

a made a scr-shot from it, you can see it!
if there is any feedback with it, i will glad to see them! :)

you can see it Here --> FreeWebTools.IR

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