Modules: Obituaries Module

Posted by: marianeOn 2009/2/10 8:30:00 7708 reads
today my post isn't a new theme as usually: it's to announce my first module : Obituaries.

Resized Image

"Obituaries" is a new XOOPS module to announce death and show services to be held.
Obituaries module was based on birthday module by instant zero, and has been totally transformed with the
precious collaborations and helps of Mowaffak ali (

Short description :
This module allows you to show :
- Date of death
- Deceased's Full Name
- Deceased's Picture (automatically resized)
- Short Biography: This typically includes the person's date and place of birth, schools attended, degrees achieved, vocation and hobbies. It can be written as a perfunctory, chronological list or as a more prose-like tribute.
- Names of Survivors: This typically includes the deceased's parents, children, spouse or domestic partner. Some people even include the name of a beloved pet.
- Service Announcement: or Services to be held: When and where the funeral, memorial service, viewing or wake will take place.
- Memorial Contributions: Where people can make donations in remembrance of the deceased or send flowers.
- Sincere Condolences : users can use the comment system to write their Condolences

Specifications :
- This module can be used with social, family or news websites, it contains one block : "today deceased". (Deceased's picture is available)
- You can see a list of all obituaries
- You can select the text editor to use
- You can upload a picture to each deceased (pictures are automatically resized)
- Obituary can be created for persons who are not users of your site
- Integration of the Xoops comments system (hacked to be used as condolences book)
- Integrated to the Xoops search

Notes : The modules requires Php 5 , and it's compatible with XOOPS 2.2x and 2.3x

To Trabis and Mowaffak for their contribuition and advising

this is the first edition of the module,for any comment or suggestions are most appreciate.

the module is available in : english, arabic, french and italian, and any other translation is most welcome and appreciate.

you can download the module by clicking here