YAXS: Xoops and Oledrion for the industry

Posted by: philouOn 2009/2/9 19:20:00 6996 reads
The website http://www.dubuis.com facelifts with the help of the Instant-Zero solutions, Oledrion in the front.

For a long time I wanted to redesign the website of my company. Our business is the design, manufacture and marketing of hydraulic tools.

The old site in html was really any more suited to current constraints. Referencing very bad, products updates available only for the developer, styles changes very delicate, compatibility problems between different internet browsers ...
The major difficulty, after the time, was the lack of a module that can display a catalogue of an organized, simple, adaptable, stable way.
It was of course impossible for me to use anything else that XOOPS, but the module commerce (as OsCommerce) did not match what I wanted. I aimed to quickly delegate management of the catalog to my colleagues in the marketing department. I needed a module easy to administer, easy to use by user, simple and homogeneous.
Oledrion has naturally imposed, it responded very well to my expectations.
Recent changes in Oledrion 2.1 served me a lot ... In particular the ability to hide tabs in the administration for non-standard used features.
Mini forms for selection in the list of products are very useful when creating items and when the list becomes long.
The creation of relatives links between the products in Oledrion is underway; the work on referencing is also in progress.
My company cannot make payment online (we only work with distributors having differents prices), so I changed the management of the basket and converted the online payment as request for quote. Some templates have been modified and some adaptations due to multilingualism were necessary.
Some features have been disabled as inventory management, VAT, carriage costs, manufacturers and retailers.
The catalog is a very simple products list, with a possibility to download the data sheets in pdf, to place the product in a list for a quote.

In addition to Oledrion some modules were used:
"Tinyeditor" for WYSIWYG,
"Pages" for the presentation of the company,
"Contact" for the contact form,
"Googlemaps" for details on location,
"Sitemap" for the map,
"XoopsCare" for maintenance,
"Protector" for security.

After several weeks of work for the creation of 200 items from the catalog I finally set up the new site: http://www.dubuis.com

Here are some screenshots:

Home Page
Sample product category
Sample Product
Basket - request for quotation
Google maps
Contact form
Presentation of the company
