Themes: Zetagenesis 2

Posted by: BurningOn 2008/11/4 21:20:00 7896 reads
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12 colors for Zetagenesis (xoopsdesign / leostoch / kris) with little changes :
- fullpage
- font colors

From left to right and top to bottom :

- zeta2_yellow
- zeta2_violet
- zeta2_saumon
- zeta2_red
- zeta2_orange
- zeta2_greenlight
- zeta2_green
- zeta2_brown
- zeta2_bluelagoon
- zeta2_bleuroy
- zeta2
- zeta2_rose

+ bonus : zeta2_unitedcolors (modify unitedcolors.css to get one color per module)

To download : here
To see themes : here