YAXS: XOOPS Nordic almost complete

Posted by: andersskOn 2008/10/23 14:20:00 6164 reads
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The official Nordic support sites of Denmark, Norway, Sweden and Finland have now been merged into one site for better integration of support in forums, articles, etc. Even though our languages differ, users from our countries can understand each other with exception of Finnish.

The site is Multi language and also including English, using xlanguage. English can be used for e.g. module developers to request their module to be translated into Nordic languages. Some articles will also include English language, so others can use them as well.

All important content of the former Danish and Norwegian support sites, which are now closed for new registrations, will be transferred to the new site and once the transfer is complete, these sites will be redirected to point to XOOPS nordic.
The release of XOOPS 2.3.1 was an obvious opportunity to create a new site, with its content matching the “new” look of XOOPS, and also to get rid of old FAQ's, threads and articles, that don’t match version 2.3.x

The structure of the Forums and our Download sections are duplicates of XOOPS.ORG's structure and as soon as the FAQ-section is implemented it will contain a duplicate of XOOPS.ORG’s categories.

We welcome all Nordic XOOPS'ers to join us making the site the pride of XOOPS!

To visit the site click here