YAXS: Junior's Beer and Wine Launches New Site Based on XOOPS

Posted by: mboydenOn 2008/9/27 22:30:00 7994 reads
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Junior's Beer and Wine launches their new website based on the award-winning XOOPS software. Junior's is a local retailer of kegs, beer, wine, and ice in the Austin, TX (USA) area. The website was released on, but will be updated to 2.3.0 in the near future as time permits. Due to alcohol laws, no e-commerce module was implemented, but the site otherwise is designed to be interactive with customers. Template is initially based upon the Morphogenesis design but made table-less as much as possible.

Modules used:
- Protector
- AltSys
- XoopsCare
- XoopsInfo
- Backup
- SmartSection
- Bookmarks
- News
- piCal
- SmartFAQ
- Liaise
- SmartProfile (Modified)
- Statistics
- Search Stats
Also includes:
- SmartObjects