Developer News: Xoops Showcase at OSCOM

Posted by: malexandriaOn 2002/9/23 12:03:38 5190 reads
Hey everyone,

Xoops is coming out of the "shadows", and "hitting the road!" This week, I will be presenting Xoops at the Open Source Content Management At the University of Berkley, this Thursday at 2pm.

I will be part of a panel along with Gregor a former developer from PN, showcasing our two systems. Come and check out the panel. On Friday we will present my website as a case study on Community Management and implimentation.

If you ever wanted to find out how to use Xoops to impliment a large community, or know how to market and build your community, this is the workshop for you. During the workshop, I will answer any question you have regarding running and manage community based sites.

Michelle A.