Modules: xpetitions 1.01 Final

Posted by: informatuxOn 2008/9/11 20:30:00 5891 reads
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"XPETITIONS" is a module of multilangages petitions on lines developed for xoops v.2.0.x.

It enables you to manage as many petitions as you wish, extract the signatories by csv file, to decorate your forms of signature by controls captcha, etc.

Here is the second final and major version of xpetitions.

Module crosses a new stage by seeing its numbering settling 1.0x there. It marks a major and stable version.

This one was tested with Xoops 2.0.18 and Xoops 2.3.0.

Version 2.3 RC2 raised no error what allowed to cross this one in version 1.01.

I still thank all users for their feedbacks.
