YAXS: Xoops4Noobs first anniversary :-)

Posted by: BurningOn 2008/7/22 21:30:00 6632 reads
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To celebrate its first anniversary, Xoops4Noobs.fr offers an update to its content and some news.


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Several sections of the site have been updated:
Learn Xoops : 4 articles on Xoops, the modules, the themes are updated
Downloads : pdf new record, module myTabs of Trabis (currently 59 resources)
Xoops Links: adding new sites Xoops (83 links including 29 offering Xoops themes)
Contacts : adding new forms to transmit your info about Xoops

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Two new entries:
Themes Xoops : organized by "generation" of themes, screenshots provide an immediate glimpse of the theme. A demo link is available for each theme. To html integrators, a section "non Xoops" exposes free templates.
RSS feeds : to learn quickly news of the Community Xoops (note: Xoops4Noobs.fr emits its own RSS) ...

Participation in Xoops4Noobs

• Comments : feedback from members are free, those "anonymous" are moderates.
• Notification : all resources can be alerts (email / private messaging)
Poll : every month will be a made a theme...
Do not forget to vote

.. and of course all the ideas and resources to help beginners are welcome Xoops !


News (Instant-Zero.com)
myDownloads (Instant-Zero.com)
eXtGallery (zoullou.net)
myLinks (Kazumi Ono)
D3Pipes (GiJoe)
Liaise (Brandycoke)
XoopsPolls XT (Kazumi Ono + GibaPhp)
RSS Fit (Brandycoke + Instant-Zero.com)
Sitemap (GiJoe)
Tellafriend (GiJoe)
Security Images (Dugris.info)
Protector (GiJoe)
Altsys (GiJoe)

A very special thank you to Kris for his template themes Morphogenesis and CrystalXP for his Tux