YAXS: New in Germany - BulldogNews - All about English Bulldogs

Posted by: bobelyOn 2008/7/8 9:20:00 6697 reads
Hallo from Germany,

take a look at the new Info-Center of the English Bulldogs in Germany! It is built with Xoops CMS with many different modules!

At the moment I "fight" with the Sitemap - and keep updating the Website with recent news! Also I will take the module MyQuiz - and Umfrage!!

But i need a little bit time - to understand how i must do this!! I work with XOOPS since February 2008 - I´ll never before have worked with HTML or such thinks! A good friend helps me by the first steps - and since the 2nd March the BulldogNews is online!!!

Xoops is soooo nice - but i must learn more!!!

At the moment i tried my second hompage - about my private dogs - you can have a look here: English Bulls!!!

Have you some comments for me???

Many thanks for your time - have a nice day - greetings Bärbel