YAXS: CTOA - Chinese Tractor Owners Association Keeps Growing!
Posted by: shalommemphiOn 2008/7/4 13:06:24 7640 readsWe are proud that our community has reached a new record of over 3,000 registered members on our site at the CTOA
I have used XOOPS for the last couple of years and found it easy to implement and maintain. Considering the fact that I am not a website designer or person who writes code, I have been able to setup, slightly modify and accomplish everything needed to make the site what I envisioned.
For those thinking if XOOPS would make a good CMS for your project. I say..YES it's right on. I have tried others in the past, but find this CMS, especially since the organization of XOOPS has finally gotten it right, it can only get better for all of us.