YAXS: Dagpacollege - a different new website is born
Posted by: marianeOn 2008/5/28 20:40:00 9459 readsDagpa Company is proud to announce the development of new website: a community of university students in Lebanon.
The website is created to help Lebanese students to find a part time job, to buy and sell a useful products for their university (pc loan, rent a room..., etc.), also they can broadcast themselves with a special way: via small video talking about their education and what kind of job they're looking for, they can also share their university projects, take quizzes, psychological tests, survey and quizzes. They can share their university events: arts, culture. etc.
We have used xoops with more than 3o modules, some of these modules are changed and merged with other modules to keep make the idea better.
Below some of modules used:
- weblog (transformed to be compatible with php 5)
- xcgal
- pical
- excal
- catads
- jobs (a cloned version of catads with some important changes)
- smart profile
- yogurt ( with some changes)
- newbb forum with useful changes to be an open Q & A and not a forum
- my links
- resources (a hacked version of my links 1.1.)
- tests (a hacked version of my quiz 3)
- my quiz
- survey and polls
- xm memberstat (it totally transformed to another module)
- book lists
- my album
- recipes
- xoops tube
and much more of modules and hacked modules (150 mb only for modules)
The website is the idea of Mr. David Matta, designed and developed by : Mowaffak Ali (arab xoops), Marcello Brandao (yogurt creator), and Mariane Antoun, and translated ino arabic (soon) by Wa3ed Tannoura and Mariane Antoun.
It's a large community of university students, easy to use, easy to load. It deserves your visit and waiting your precious comments: