Themes: Gnoo Theme

Posted by: BurningOn 2008/5/20 16:40:00 6887 reads
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Demo site : here
Download : here


• 3 columns
• 700px
• displaying advertissement in banner

Templates (to override)
• System module
• News 1.56 module


Installation of a "Morphogenesis theme" requires modification of the file /include/common.php (included in the archive). If you use a version 2.0.17 Xoops, the required files can be downloaded from Hack Core (2.0.17) for Mor.Pho.GEN.e.sis (Hack Core (2.0.17) for Mor.Pho.GEN.e.sis).



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To use your own illustration :
• resize it to 700x151 pixels
• modify image name in style.css (line 106)

To get an illustration per module :
• open style.css
• add a #xo-header declaration with #name-of-module-directory just before (e.g. News on line 108)


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How can you choose your format ?

Three case are already available in content-data.css (lines 169 to 186). To apply them, juste write appropriate condition in /xotpl/globalnav.html template :
• Case 1 :
• Case 2 :
• Case 3 :

Rounded blocks

You can customize background blocks. To learn more you can read tutorial available in /docs (sorry, only in french).


Xoops Gnoo :
- is a free adaptation of a theme made by to Nucleus CMS
- is based on Mor.pho.gen.esis 2.10 gabarit, developped on