Modules: XoopsGraphs coming to XOOPS 3.0

Posted by: MambaOn 2008/4/15 7:20:00 10756 reads
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We are very happy to announce that XOOPS will include JpGraph library with XOOPS, starting with XOOPS 3.0

JpGraph is a Object-Oriented Graph creating library for PHP >= 4.3.1 The library is completely written in PHP and ready to be used in any PHP scripts (both CGI/APXS/CLI versions of PHP are supported). The library can be used to create numerous types of graphs either on-line or written to a file. JpGraph makes it easy to draw both "quick and dirty" graphs with a minimum of code as well as complex graphs which requires a very fine grained control. The library assigns context sensitive default values for most of the parameters which minimizes the learning curve.

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Simon Roberts (aka Wishcraft), who recently joined the XOOPS Development Team, has been working together with DJ on JpGraph conversion to XOOPS for the XOOPS 3.0 release, as part of our GraphFactory. With this, XOOPS users will be able to create various graphs on the spot, thus expanding the use of XOOPS in the business and scientific areas.

You can see the first beta here (only first 6 graphs are working):

You can download the XOOPS Graph Factory prototype from here

We would like to express an sincere thanks to Johan Persson, the author of JpGraph, for his support for XOOPS, and to Simon Roberts for his constant drive for innovation and his desire to make XOOPS the best CMS it can be!

To discuss the XoopsGraphs, please visit our discussion Forums...