YAXS: AIZ at Costa Blanca - Spain

Posted by: clownxxOn 2007/12/13 23:46:36 5204 reads
AIZ auslans immobilien zentrum costa blanca, s.l.

The Mediterranean coast of Spain, in particular the Costa Blanca in the land Valencia, has been roofed by the nature obviously preferentially. Infinitely wide beaches, hidden bays, impressive rock coasts and an excellent water quality let the visitor surprise. All kinds of water sport take pleasure here of general popularity.

But it is more than only the coast what makes this region so desirable. The experts enjoy the hinterland. The surroundings of Dénia are especially attractive. If it is the village Jalón in the Jalón valley which is known for his wine cultivation, it has surprised the plateau by Bernia which allows to seem moved one in the Alps and the look to Ibiza with good weather conditions, it is Pego with it growing of rice, it is the Vall de Gallinera whose cherry trees stand high in the favour of the visitors. The cities and villages of this region entice for staying, for discovering of enchanting sign spots and to the enjoyment of the good kitchen.

This fantastic scenery profits from the micro-climate ruling here: There is no water need of what the growing of rice and the wide orange plantations which need of the irrigation testify.

This all one is found in immediate surroundings of Dénia, this provincial town with unmistakeable ambiente.

In this sphere the company aiz auslands immobilen zentrum costa blanca, s.l. her activities developed, with the purpose to discuss equally well prospective customers (predominantly from the area of the banks) and suppliers in the property market, to guarantee a certified and sure purchase winding up thus, to judge the prize worthiness and – last but not least – to integrate the new owners in her new native country, and to accompany them with the necessary administrative necessities.

The Website, realised with XOOPS 2.2 an an individual Module "immobilia".

You can visite my site here: http://www.aiz-spanien.de

Have a look at all the nice and beautifull Villas and Vincas.