Modules: Xoops*Hack v1.2 RC

Posted by: ForMusSOn 2007/10/30 1:31:50 12305 reads
Resized Image Xoops*Hack
Version 1.2
Auteur : MusS

Xoops*Hack is a module to fully manage Xoops hacks.
This module allow you to install, uninstall and configure
the whole of your hacks with only a few mouse clicks.


No PHP programming skills required, Xoops*Hack is built do
make your life easier. The module contains several hacks :

- Hack*Admin - it's a complete modification of the administration
interface alike Joomla to make your backoffice user friendly
without break compatibility. You can also set a feed and show
it on control panel. Finally, show or hide warning messages.
And why not use it as a base to start built your own interface.

- Gest*Url - allow you to shorten URL too long from your installed
modules like forum, news, etc...

With Xoops*Hack, this small hack becomes configurable:
Length from which you start to shorten urls,
number of characters before and afterward and
even specify a character for the 'middle' replacement.
No more need to edit and hack your php files,
all that can be define from module preferences.


The module documentation and creation/integration
of hack is under drafting


This modules is only compatible with release 2.0.17 from
And will not work on a web hosting with SAFE_MODE and without functions
rename, copy and fopen.


A lot more hacks could be part of the next release with a little support
from other developers and community. So, i would like to invite you all
to contribute with your feedback and hacks suggestions.

Download : ForXoops