YAXS: Couldn't stand it any longer!

Posted by: BoobtoobOn 2002/8/28 2:26:20 4749 reads
As a member of the dev team, I had a responsibility to move my site to XOOPS not because of being on the team but, because I think XOOPS IS a superior product. That being said, my site, Boardjive.com is now running XOOPS RC3.04 and my own theme.

The only pain in this whole thing was getting my DNS updated (delays thanks to Verisign) to reflect my new provider Spidersaid.com whom has done a great job supporting me with this transition. I would highly recommend them, they are very good at support and the server (for now) is very responsive. If you decide to give them a try, tell them BoardJive sent you.

Thanks to everyone for support XOOPS during our continuing development. If you get the chance, at-a-boys sometimes mean more than money so let the devs know how much you appreciate their hard work to bring you such a great system.

If your feeling charitable, you can donate some beer money via the paypal link.

aka Boobtoob

P.S. Spidersaid will preinstall XOOPS RC 3.04 at your request, then all you have to do is choose a theme and go to work!