YAXS: Estevon.net -- Everything / Linux

Posted by: EstevonOn 2002/1/9 9:11:32 4054 reads
I finally got off my butt and created that Linux site that i've been thinking about doing for about a year now. I guess it was the discovery of Xoops that gave me some motivation. My site is located at http://www.estevon.net

Right now my content is thin, but I will be adding new stuff on a daily basis.

I feel that many Linux sites just report on each other so to speak, so my goal is to have a site with nearly 100% original content, rather than merely reporting news. Though, I will report some news if I feel that it is really important or I think that it is interesting.

So, stop by and let me know what you think.

User/visitor submitted articles are also encouraged, so if you have a linux tidbit to share, be sure and submit it so others can benefit from what you know.