Modules: Fera Tech, Inc. Releases the XosC eCommerce module.

Posted by: FeraTechIncOn 2007/9/12 9:20:00 24923 reads
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XosC .73 Beta
Fera Tech, Inc. releases the XosC ecommerce and invoicing module.

This module is a complete online solution for online sales and invoicing. This is module is reworked from FlinkUX. Login bugs and compatibility issues have been fixed and is working in Xoops version 2.0.16. There are several included payment options and shipping options as well.

On top of bug fixes the following features have been added:
Incorporation of a WYSIWYG editor for Front PageLogo and Product Descriptions
E-Mail code has been completely rewritten to include SMTP Auth
Ability to hide categories and products and manually add them through admin section
Inclusion of Google Checkout and Quote system
Manually edit/add customerscustomers automatically receive e-mail with registration information
Manually edit/create orders and invoices for clients
Website profit reports have been added
Website tax reports for sales tax have been added
E-mails converted to HTML
Customer Groups allow you to designate tax exempt customers or specific payment/shipping options per group

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Support Forums
Please go here to get support for the module, submit bugs or help with the development.

Download XosC
To download the module please visit our site.

Fera Store
Visit our online technology store. We are currently updating our inventory. The XosC module is being used as our invoicing and online eCommerce solution.

Robert Stolorz