Modules: XtremGuestbook V1.0

Posted by: xtremdjOn 2002/8/6 16:29:59 5119 reads
Here is my first module for xoops where i've coded 100% .

It's a guestbook for xoops Rc3 fully integrated into xoops and using xoops API :
- The message are shown like comments or forum posts
- BB codes and smileys for message
- display by pages
- Administration for edit or delete messages and for the number of message to be shown by pages.
- French and English languages (Need help for ameliorate it because my english is very bad) .for other languages, don't hesitate to send it to me.

hope to see suggestions and comments

Download : HERE
Don't forget to chmod 666 cache/config.php files

Preview : HERE

Thanks and hope to see it in the next release