Modules: Xmspotlight module with a better template

Posted by: ecolipsOn 2007/2/23 19:41:35 7683 reads
Xmspotlight module takes the chance to create a better and more professional home page looking for xoops sites. When I was modifying this small module to fit my needs, I discovered that I can make my site home page very flexible. You can see how it is HERE. With this module I can now show 1 or more spotlight news with picture, next to it wheather forecast.Under the wheather I'm showing foreign exchange rates. Under all of this 4 news categories with the latest 7 articles on them and next to it Google adsense advertisement. So with your imagination and html work you make better home page looking with this great and small module.

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The module that I have modified based on Xmspotlight 1.02 beta2. I have modified the template file and some php files for better control on admin interface. You can add some more html content on the template and can see whatever you want on the center of you home page. So you don't have to use module center blocks for home page looking. If you are bored setting the block rough-and-tumble, you can show lots of content with one block on an home page.