YAXS: XOOPS Chat.com

Posted by: gestroudOn 2007/2/6 17:20:19 6496 reads
XOOPS Chat.com is an ongoing experiment with XOOPS and the currently available chat modules.

I've played with a variety of the currently available XOOPS chat modules and have settled for a modified version of the Shoutbox module for the time being. I like the popup window feature.

XOOPS Chat is using a westernized version of Alburak's IServices theme.


1. No log files
2. No word censoring
3. No search capabilities

I'm currently tinkering with creating a morph of the Achat and shoutbox modules. The objective is to provide a censorable, searchable and serviceable chat system for XOOPS users to have realtime conversations, post questions and answers to other users, have some fun, and do some brainstorming.

In addition, I'm also testing some of XOOPS' calendar/scheduling modules so that users on the site can schedule chat times.

Comments, criticisms and kicks in the teeth are welcome. Please remember that this is all experimental.


XOOPS Chat.com