YAXS: Eskisehir City Portal eskport.com

Posted by: ecolipsOn 2007/1/13 19:17:58 5884 reads
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We have created a city Portal http://www.eskport.com with Xoops. The portal is for a small city of Turkey called Eskisehir. We have prepeared ourself to build a bigger portal for more people with this portal.

The main thing for this portal site is the modifications. The site is based on Xoops 2.0.16 but we changed most of the template files and edited lots of php to fit our needs. First we modified the xmspotlight module for a better main page, we used a custom menu made with a menu generator, applied a photo hack to user profiles and added some more fields, made some modifications on the theme for SEO, and used Xpress as a funny dictionary module, used icontent as city guide.

With lots of modifications we are now seeing how flexible xoops is. We made everything we need with a professional site look.

This Eskisehir Portal site eskport.com showed us that we should build our next comprehensive site with Xoops again