YAXS: PM4Lat Project Management For Latin America with Xoops

Posted by: dancifuentesOn 2006/12/6 21:41:08 6064 reads
Pm4Lat Management of Projects with the objective to offer the best one to its navigators to changed of Web (http://www.pm4lat.org) and bet by Xoops as platform bases for all the information and document management, in order to improve the Feedback with the users and public who is interested in subjects of Management of Projects.

Pm4Lat offers:
- Courses and Factories for the examination of certification PMP, CAPM.
- Courses for PMO
- Factories for Portafolios of Projects
- Courses inHouse for companies ccc Tiene its seat in Lima, Peru.
Telephone: 511-2210100
Mail: pm4lat@pm4lat.org
Webmaster: dancifuentes@hotmail.com
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