Modules: Cordemanon - Whitepaper downloads

Posted by: MithrandirOn 2006/11/9 11:19:11 6167 reads
A new module is now available from Cusix Software:
Cordemanon - a module for downloading whitepapers.

Yet Another Download Module? You may ask, and yes, it is. But it is a bit different from most others.

a) Downloads can be placed outside the web root
b) To download, users must be logged in, downloads are registered intensively
c) Downloads are grouped in customers, related to a XOOPS user, letting users manage their own whitepapers
d) "People, who have downloaded this whitepaper also downloaded these" listing

The module is developed by Cusix Software on behalf of Version2, a new Danish IT media.

Download here
Demo here

Installation instructions:
1) UPLOAD module package as normal
2) INSTALL the module as normal
3) CREATE a new folder - preferably outside your web root - on your website, chmod it so that the webserver can write to the folder
4) UPDATE the module's preferences with the physical path to the new folder from 3)
5) COPY the contents of cordemanon/bak.htaccess to an existing .htaccess fil in the web root or CREATE a new .htaccess file in the web root with the contents of bak.htaccess, adding

RewriteEngine on

to the top of the file.
6) ADJUST the paths in the .htaccess file to match your settings, if you have XOOPS installed in a subdirectory to your site

For users to become customers, they must
a) Be in a group set in module preferences
b) Be connected to a customer
c) Have access to the administration area and module administrator privileges of the Cordemanon module (they will not be able to manage anything but their own whitepapers)