YAXS: TheAcid- RPG/MMORPG/CORPG gaming clan use XOOPS

Posted by: V-TRIXOn 2006/10/1 21:40:00 6599 reads
Hey everybody,

TheAcid, my gameclan, runs Xoops for a while...
Our site use Xoops, and the themes 4thfort and casafree (great themes, guys.)

The Acid gaming clan

We have currently very few members, so we would like to ask the gamers of the Xoops community if they are interessed about gaming in a little clan, wich play (mostly) GuildWars: Propehiecies, GuildWars: Factions, GuildWars: Nightfall (soon), Knight Online, etc..;
Contact me on this page for info: http://www.the-acid.eu/clansite/modules/contact/ (also avaible for non-registered users).

We search also somebody who can help us with creating a guildwars theme...

See ya !!