Developer News: CVS Repository up

Posted by: AnonymousOn 2002/7/21 18:50:00 4258 reads
It's finally here! All of xoops has been tranfered to CVS.

You may grab the latest CVS files from anonymous CVS by using a program like WinCVS or TortoiseCVS (easy to use) and the following login information:

Server Type: pserver
User Name: anonymous
Password: n/a
Path: /cvsroot/xoops

Or you may directly browse the CVS tree with your navigator by pointing your browser here.

If you're the impatient kind who wishes to apply bugfixes before the whole world, just keep an eye on the changelog files which can be found here: CHANGELOG. Hack at your own risk :o)

Cheers, n best wishes from the DEV Team!