Modules: Xoops modules updated : Boox, Marquee et Userpage

Posted by: hervetOn 2006/9/9 13:22:09 7044 reads

The Xoops modules Boox, Marquee and UserPage were updated.

Boox include the Brazilian translation.
Marquee comes with two new plugins, one for article version 0.95 and another one for TplLeagueStats 1 (thank you Defkon1).
Userpage now fully supports Xoops 2.0.14 (and more recent versions of course) for the meta tag and meta descriptions generation.
The module is runing with all the editors you can use in Xoops : Spaw, Fck editor, Htmlarea, Tinyeditor and Kiovi
The bug for the comment's title is corrected

To update Boox & Marquee, just copy the files on your website.
But for UserPage, you must update the module in the Xoops modules manager because I have
changed one module's preference.
Some translations were modified (in the modinfo.php, it's documented)

You can download the module here :
Boox 1.0
Marquee 2.41
UserPage 1.1

Each module comes with its support forum :

Finally, any donation is welcome

Happy Xoopsing,