Modules: Flash Attack - Control flash sites using Xoops

Posted by: kaotikOn 2006/8/25 14:16:18 11362 reads
Flash Attack is a xoops module that allows you to add/delete/change content in a flash site using Xoops as a backoffice.

The flash site uses an image gallery and it's own media player, which buffers it's movies. To take full advantage of flash's media player it only play's .flv files. It also allows you to manipulate 3 diferent text areas. You can easily change this to as many as you want.
You can control a flash site on a completly diferent domain from the xoops site, meaning the flash site can be on "" while your xoops site resides on "".
To download the package (xoops module,flash source and documentation) visit
To see the flash site in action:
To see the xoops module: