Modules: Shortcuts version 1.4

Posted by: hervetOn 2006/8/21 17:02:35 5375 reads
Shortcuts is a Xoops module (for Xoops 2.0 and 2.2) wich enable your registred users to add, on your site, some shortcuts for their favorites pages.

Like this, the favorites of their browser are not congested with many new pages and each time they came back on your site, they will find their favorites.

This new version comes with 3 new blocks :
1/ most visited pages
2/ best rated pages
3/ most recent pages

Some minor changes were made to the code but they don't have any influence.

You can use this Xoops module on a production website.

Download it from this url. and you can use this forum for suggestions and bugs reports.

The update is made by simply copying the files to your web site and updating the module in the Xoops modules manager.

Installation of a new module is made like any other module.