YAXS: Temple of the Jedi Order

Posted by: terrionOn 2006/8/14 12:38:26 6160 reads
The Temple of the Jedi Order is a non-profit 501c organization based in the state of Texas in the United States. Its primary mission to the educate the world about the the ways of Jediism. One wishing to study this way of life can find study materials (in the formm of videos as well as the written word), participate in the Forums as well as chat with other members in the site sponsored Chat Room.

The Temple is made up of a community of individuals from all Religous and Spiritual walks of life. The community as a whole, does not worship the Force. If anything it can be described as a melting pot of intellects who have come together with one common goal: to educate themselves about the world around them and learn to embrace the differences of others for the better of mankind. Tolerance and understanding are the teachers here.

We invite you to come in and look around. If you want, feel free to register and participate! Welcome!

To visit the Temple of the Jedi Order, just Click Here.