YAXS: Kuniba kai Sweden now in XOOPS

Posted by: dargoschOn 2006/7/10 18:56:09 6325 reads

I would just like to tell you all that the website of Kuniba kai Sweden has been sucessfully converted to XOOPS. The modules used are:

* Content (multiple instances)
* news
* Sitemap
* xcgal
* myalbum (for random images on the frontpage)
* three instances of TinyD
* xfguestbook
* newbb
* laise
* multimenu
* isearch
* waiting
* xhld
* piCal
* protector
* tellafriend
* xLanguage
and wflinks.

It is a xoops 2.2.4 site with the hack to place blocks below the contents of the page.

