YAXS: Veterans-Board Re-deploys

Posted by: gestroudOn 2006/6/19 21:05:36 5757 reads
Veterans-Board.com Re-deploys

Veterans-Board.com is a news & issues resource site for former and current military members, their friends and families.

The site was originally established a year ago as a general message board. It's new focus will be the Iraq war, current events and their effects on the military, politics, veteran's issues, and resources for military families.

This is NOT a complacent site. Views will be presented from Pro- and Anti-war veterans, active-duty personnel and their relatives. We have an extremely provocative list of articles that we're preparing to post.


P.S. If you do a little reconnaissance, you'll spot a newly-added USMC Boot Camp picture of an 18-year-old me nearly three decades ago - haven't seen that photo in ages. What's interesting is that I had a case of German measles that was going around at the time and they were making anyone that had it start boot camp ALL OVER AGAIN. I lost 15 pounds and never told a soul I was sick. There was NO WAY I was doing another 12 weeks of basic training. Resized Image