Developer News: SourceForge CVS Changes

Posted by: gstarrettOn 2006/5/14 4:09:00 8391 reads
Attention users and developers who access the XOOPS source code through SourceForge's CVS services:
SourceForge has just completed rolling out a new CVS architecture, which affects the way we access the CVS servers. The hostname for CVS access has changed to "".

(check details ...)

The hostname for CVS access has changed from "" or "" to "". The new CVSROOT to use when accessing XOOPS CVS anonymously is:

According to SourceForge, the changes will offer greater performance and stability and will eliminate several single points of failure.

Note that access to the XOOPS core is through Subversion, which isn't part of this change. See the XOOPS SourceForge project Subversion page for more information on subversion:

See the XOOPS SourceForge CVS page for more information on using CVS with XOOPS.

Developers, see the internal discussion thread for additional information: