Modules: "AboutU" v0.1 initial release

Posted by: kurak_buOn 2006/4/27 17:34:00 6657 reads
Kurak_bu has released his first module: AboutU (About You).

What's this?

It is a simple module which creates 3 pages:

- About Us
- Contact Us
- Tell a friend

So far you can only customize the "About Us" page in the admin section.

Compatible with:
It is compatible with Xoops 2.0.x versions.
(It was not tested on Xoops 2.2.x tree since that version is not recommended for production websites)

You can see it on: [website in polish language ]

(the module itself is of course in english language)

Download here:

main site
mirror 1
mirror 2
mirror 3