Modules: CBB 3.02 is released

Posted by: phpppOn 2006/4/23 4:09:50 7763 reads
We are proud to release CBB 3.02, the Community Bulletin Board system for XOOPS.

The CBB 3.* is among the module package eith extended compatiblity with all active Xoops versions: 2.0, 2.2 and 2.3

Download CBB 3.02 and Submit feature request for CBB 3.2 !

Installation guide:
1 check the packaged "readme.html"
2 make sure the "Frameworks" folder is uploaded correctly
Note: there is an empty file inside each subfolder of Frameworks, make sure the "version #number" is newest.

1 Fixed URL iteration for menumode (reported by genetailor)
2 Skip cache for edit pages
3 Charset completeness for PDF maker (reported by domecc)
4 Performance improvement, including PHP scripting and MySQL db structure
5 Added action request detection in xoops_version.php so that some useful features are reactived including "welcome forum"
6 Bugfix for "sort by rating" URL (reported by Mowaffak)
7 Added time limit to "recent replied topic" block
8 Bugfix for signature setting (removed unnecessary user setting check)